Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Gruff coach offers children Amazin' joy

Forget the Madoff Mets.

Meet coach Jerry Costa.

If you wanna see an exceptional Baseball in the Borough of Queens, come to see Jerry's Pirates, a group of 12-year old who plays for the pure love of the game. Without contracts for $ 100 million, $ 75, $ 7 nosebleed seats, hot dogs, $ 9 beers, $ 20 parking spaces and a business plan related to the biggest ponzi artist in American history.

Costa is a postal worker night, strong, compact, exposed and pure old school New York character from gritty streets of Pernt Academy.

Coach of Costa with loud and gruff capitals with a priceless New York accent, malapropisms as blurting brilliant willing "Muscle-tuff!" is to marry a Muslim.

Instead of distorting the multinational branded, Costa in response as Ace, alias Iceman, Boomer Crusher. And spouts trademark slogans: "dummy, this does not play any day!" "This is not a Union meetin'." "Pick dem balls!" "This is not my sez it rainin' till rainin'."

Full disclosure: my son has played for port Aransas little league teams workshop of Costa, BLL summer travel teams, and for the independent Jerry of Pirates.

Fuller disclosure: the first time we met Costa, I did not. Many yet, but usually not because they do not know how well, or if they do, because their child refuses to start every game at shortstop. But barks equally in every child, fosters never son and three years ago, I have never once seen a claim with a ump.

What even archenemies cannot deny is that Costa is the smarter, more organised, regular volunteer coach at Queens, manage 20 teams in eight years, winning 16 "champeenships."

"See some buses because I hate me a wicked work ethic in my old shop of human body-fender and discipline in the Navy during the Viet Nam war that makes many of them seem lazzzzy," says Costa. "And because I usually win teams, Yes? Not because I'm a great baseball minds. Matta fact, I don't know much about baseball. Win because my children are prepared and not because I am afraid to say that precious Baby-la zzzzy with a capital z when they give me 100%. Nine will probably moderate children give me 110% by nine spoiled superstars who refuse to run a pop-up top speed, Yes? "

Last year, Costa laboratory BLL Group had 16 games and 27 practices.

"Our IHOP sore losers called Group, insinuatin' were stacked," says Costa. "We have lotsa talent, but won the champeenship, because we worked hard from all the others, see. Whereas people PO. This is why so many people come to watch my games champeenship. The line of the fence outfield as buzzards droolin' for me to lose. Love! Who hated my mobilizes, see. I have had my equipment bags, created by parents, poked my chest, a father of 6-foot-4 crossed fingers in my face fronna, screamin', "skull and bones, Costa! You horrible little man! ' I liked that there was both a I put on my website, you see ".

Group travel summer of Costa last year suffered because some of the best children of BLL joined rival League.

So Costa were independent of the Dodgers, Jerry went 26-0, autumn, winning three Championships in Bethpage tournament College and J.

"And then the Pirates practiced each Jerry Saturday morning port Aransas Batting cage," says Costa. "We are ready, Yes."

"You Wanna see some pure Baseball in Queens, check my website, see the section," says Jerry Costa of www.jerrycosta.com, the perfect antidote to the Madoff Mets.


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