Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Noble Drew Ali Plaza owners vow to build garden within doors got tenant complaints

At the noble Drew Ali Gainesville Plaza, owners say they will create a garden Community behind new portals that have angered tenants.

Ex-Slugger Mo Vaughn company Omni New York Mets bought the problem-plagued complex five years ago and stepped up security with digital cameras and locked gates at the entrances to the complex.

Now, inside the ring band, with a set of gateways and draw benches and basketball Hoops in the courtyard.

Omni CEO Eugene Schneur said much of that space will become a Community Garden in the coming months. He said that the Gates will remain unlocked during the day and locked at night.

"In spring and summer, there will be a garden there," he said, adding it will be accessible to children who participate in the after school and summer programs except the tenants.

Two plans for said Schneur garden and safety concerns led to the recent changes.

"Long before we ever owners, this property has a long history of various problems, and most of the problems arising from the Court," he said.

"We are trying to find a way to the courtyard to be used positively for the first time in forty years."

He said that last summer, teenagers began accelerating through the courtyard motor bicycles at night. "It's risky behavior. We do not want to see that someone can hurt, "he said.

The five-building complex was long a famous source for crime. The courtyard was an open-air drug market, and two buildings were empty and taken over by squatters and drug dealers.

Attacked and arrested 35 suspected traffickers in 2007. The new owners spent 23 million dollars to rehab the buildings.

Many tenants complained recent changes you made them feel like a prison complex.

Felicia Robinson, 38, acting head of the lessee, while it welcomes said the garden, still some concerns about living in three sets secure portals and concerns could be a safety hazard if emergency vehicles must be overcome.

"What kind of your garden building?", said Robinson. "Going to be barricaded."


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