Google, Facebook remove content in India

In submissions to court Google and Facebook said they had removed the content submitted as part of evidence against them, which is believed to involve obscene images of religious figures and senior Indian politicians.
"This step is in accordance with Google's policy of responding to court orders," Paroma Roy Chowdhury, Google's spokeswoman in India, told AFP.
The groups, including Yahoo! and Microsoft, have appealed to the Delhi High Court asking for the case to be quashed on the basis that they cannot be held responsible for the actions of users of their platforms.
A judge hearing the case in the High Court warned last month that unless the groups cooperated and take steps to eliminate "offensive and objectionable" content they could be blocked "like in China".
Communications Minister Kapil Sibal in December pledged a crackdown on "unacceptable" online content, saying Internet service providers had ignored India's demands to screen images and data before they were uploaded.
Sibal's demands -- reportedly that social networks pre-screen billions of photos, comments and videos posted online -- provoked anger and derision among Indian Internet users.
Experts argued that such demands could not be enforced and smacked of state censorship.
Label: technology news
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