Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Samsung Galaxy S III rumor: quad-core processor and 3D screen

The 2012 rumor mill is turning. New reports hint at an unveilingfor the Samsung Galaxy S III at Mobile World Congress in February. Oh, and itmay have a 3D screen.

As 2011 comes to a close, the drums for CES and MWC arebeginning to beat more loudly. Korean site Etnews reports that Samsung mayintroduce its Galaxy S III phone at Mobile World Congress in February.Strangely, the site also claims that it will have 3D technology built into thescreen, which is odd considering that the LG Thrill (Optimus 3D) and HTC Evo 3Dboth failed to capture any attention with their glasses-free 3D screens.

Other rumors point to a highly capable device. Phandroidrecaps the rumored specs, which include a Super AMOLED Plus HD screen, aquad-core processor, 2GB of RAM, 4G LTE connectivity, and Android 4.0 (IceCream Sandwich) with Samsung’s TouchWiz interface overlayed on top of it. Weimagine that the phone will come in many variations as well, much like theGalaxy S II, which was hand-tailored for every carrier in the United States,with each model looking slightly different.

So, are any of these rumors credible? We really don’t know.Samsung isn’t talking and MWC doesn’t start until Feb. 27 2012. Moreimportantly, do any of you want a 3D phone? We’re pretty done with 3D.


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